Monday, November 3, 2014

How Technology Has Changed in my short 28 years

OK, so I'm not really that old, I mean I'm only 28, but technology has changed drastically since I began using it when i was little. I remember watching CBC television ( with the metal rabbit ears stuck out the back of the t.v.) and after a certain time in the night, the screen would turn to horizontal colored lines and there would be no reception until the next morning when CBC came back on the air. Television has come a very long way since then, I mean i don't ever watch live television anymore, since i got Bell Fiber Op I record every show i am interested in, and it records automatically and i never have to turn my TV on everyday and wonder if i missed my favorite show, when i do get the time to turn the television on, my shows are all there recorded and sectioned off by title and date.

Television is only the beginning; Computers, Telephones and the Internet have skyrocketed to new and almost unbelievable places. 

Computers went from a big deep square box(Monitor) with a bunch of cords that were connected to a long rectangle box (CPU) that had to be stationed in one single place and they had Floppy disc drives. Kids of today wouldn't even know what a floppy disc looked like. Floppy discs have gone to that old age place with 8 tracks and tomagachi pets. These days, we still have desktop computer systems, but we also have Laptops for every type of person to use (gamers, businesses, students) there are so many options. I mean there are even tablets that you can take anywhere that can fit in your pocket, and so many brands that its too hard to keep track. Times are changing so quick that every 6 months there is a new improved product on the line.

Telephones went from connected to a cord in the wall, where the phone cord use to be stretched so far, you could spend hours on the phone, trying to untangle the cord, then came cordless phone, i know right there was unlimited possible places you could use the phone from around your house and in the yard, it became a game, "Can ya hear me now"? House phones are almost a thing of the past. 
I was 16 years old when i bought my first cell phone, it was the size of a cordless phone and the antenna pulled up so you could get the best possible reception. Now there is this cool contraption called a Smart phone. Yes, its super smart, you can use it to call, surf the Internet, check email, write notes , keep your calendar up to date, play games, creep Facebook,Skype, there are endless possible things you can to with a cell phone. There are so many brands and providers, and the technology is changing at such a pace it could make your head spin. Well that's what it does to me. 

We all like to feel like were up on technology, but i honestly don't think any of us can say that. Technology will always be a few steps ahead of ordinary, everyday people and with it changing so frequently, before we know it we will be living in  world like the Jetsons, flying around in space crafts. Who knows maybe soon enough we will be!


  1. Crazy, isn't it? I remember a TV my parents had, and in order to change the volume there was an individual button to press. We can't forget about those huge floor models. I remember when a friend of mine had a cell phone when I was in grade 9 ( 1995-96) and looking back, it reminds me of a VCR, it was huge by today's standards. That being said, cell phones gradually got smaller & more compact, but more recently the size started to expand. Again. It's interesting. Just think, a lot of small children growing up now only know what it's like to be surrounded by this technology & the internet. I bet they'll poke fun at our age in years to come when we tell them the internet wasn't always around, ha!

  2. I remember a time when 8-tracks was in cars before cassettes came out and the idea of a video game was pong or Donkey Kong. Now things are so advanced that a new video game looks like an actual movie production. Life then also consisted of playing in fresh air and having family night. Unfortunately making some things better doesn't always make everything better. Technology may be advancing but humanity is taking a step in the wrong direction.
