Monday, November 24, 2014

IPad's and children...... ugh the parents ultimate dilema

As a parent of a 6 year old, i have recently been introduced to the major Ipad fanatic obsession my daughter has with the Ipad and technology in general. Children have a complete infatuation with technology these days.
Not so long ago, i was six years old and there was no such contraption as an ipad, as a six year old, we played outside, played with our barbies and tonka trucks. We played hide and go seek, spot light, double dutch and hopscotch, with no wants of staying inside playing when we had the option to go outside to play.
So now I'm having this dilemma with my six year old who is addicted to the Ipad, She is completely infatuated with Mine craft, if she isn't designing and building things on mine craft, she is watching your tube videos of other people designing things on mine craft so she can try and make them the next time she is allowed to play mine craft.

I know this isn't 20 years ago, but am i overacting about how much my kid wants to be playing on technology? I'm all about the learning and her using her imagination and creativity to build her skills, but i feel like that's all she wants to do now, since she started school. They have technology Tuesdays at school, where they have BYOD (bring your own device) day, this sounds so futuristic to me, because i never thought it would happen this soon.

 I wasn't expecting my 6 year old to be asking Santa for an Ipad, that's what i expect from a teenager. Nope, sadly mistaken i was when i learned that my six year old has asked Santa for an Ipad and a Pink PS3 Controller or Christmas, and nothing else; no dolls, art supplies or clothes; just technology. When i asked her what else she wanted for Christmas, she told me Nothing, cause she can do everything on her Ipad.

I limit her time to ONE hour a day on technology because i want her to be creative in other ways, am i being to hard on technology, should i let her embrace it a little more? I have no idea what to do to justify my own mind and how to let her embrace technology and how to function without it. At the rate technology is becoming important, Ill have to buy her an Iphone  when she turns 8...

Technology Dilemma!!!!! And it begins!!!!

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